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Utilities & types for working with EIP-1193 Providers


Below are some examples demonstrating common usages of the Provider module:

Instantiating External Providers

External EIP-1193 Providers can be instantiated with Provider.from:

import 'ox/window'
import { Provider } from 'ox'
const provider = Provider.from(window.ethereum)
const blockNumber = await provider.request({ method: 'eth_blockNumber' })

Instantiating with an RPC Transport

Ox's RpcTransport is also EIP-1193 compliant, and can be used to instantiate an EIP-1193 Provider. This means you can use any HTTP RPC endpoint as an EIP-1193 Provider.

import { Provider, RpcTransport } from 'ox'
const transport = RpcTransport.fromHttp('')
const provider = Provider.from(transport)

Instantiating a Provider with Events

Event emitters for EIP-1193 Providers can be created using Provider.createEmitter:

Useful for Wallets that distribute an EIP-1193 Provider (e.g. webpage injection via window.ethereum).

import { Provider, RpcRequest, RpcResponse } from 'ox'
// 1. Instantiate a Provider Emitter.
const emitter = Provider.createEmitter()
const store = RpcRequest.createStore()
const provider = Provider.from({
  // 2. Pass the Emitter to the Provider.
  async request(args) {
    return await fetch('', {
      body: JSON.stringify(store.prepare(args)),
      method: 'POST',
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      .then((res) => res.json())
// 3. Emit Provider Events.
emitter.emit('accountsChanged', ['0x...'])


Provider.createEmitterCreates an EIP-1193 flavored event emitter to be injected onto a Provider.
Provider.fromInstantiates an EIP-1193 Provider.Provider from an arbitrary EIP-1193 Provider interface.
Provider.parseErrorParses an error object into an error instance.


Provider.ChainDisconnectedErrorThe provider is not connected to the requested chain.
Provider.DisconnectedErrorThe provider is disconnected from all chains.
Provider.IsUndefinedErrorThrown when the provider is undefined.
Provider.UnauthorizedErrorThe requested method and/or account has not been authorized by the user.
Provider.UnsupportedMethodErrorThe provider does not support the requested method.
Provider.UserRejectedRequestErrorThe user rejected the request.


Provider.EmitterType for an EIP-1193 Provider's event emitter.
Provider.EventListenerFnType for an EIP-1193 Provider's event listener functions (on, removeListener, etc).
Provider.OptionsOptions for a Provider.Provider.
Provider.ProviderRoot type for an EIP-1193 Provider.
Provider.RequestFnEIP-1193 Provider's request function.