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A set of Ethereum-related utility functions for working with hexadecimal string values (e.g. "0xdeadbeef").


Below are some examples demonstrating common usages of the Hex module:

Instantiating Hex

Values can be instantiated as Hex.Hex using:

import { Bytes, Hex } from 'ox'
const value_boolean = Hex.fromBoolean(true)
const value_bytes = Hex.fromBytes(Bytes.from([1, 2, 3]))
const value_number = Hex.fromNumber(1234567890)
const value_string = Hex.fromString('Hello World!')

Converting from Hex

Values can be converted from Hex.Hex using:

import { Hex } from 'ox'
const value_boolean = Hex.toBoolean('0x1')
const value_bytes = Hex.toBytes('0x010203')
Uint8Array [1, 2, 3]
const value_number = Hex.toNumber('0x499602d2')
const value_string = Hex.toString('0x48656c6c6f20576f726c6421')
'Hello World!'

Concatenating Hex

Hex values can be concatenated using Hex.concat:

import { Hex } from 'ox'
const a = Hex.fromString('0x1234567890abcdef')
const b = Hex.fromString('0xdeadbeef')
const c = Hex.concat(a, b)

Slicing Hex

Hex values can be sliced using Hex.slice:

import { Hex } from 'ox'
const value = Hex.slice('0x1234567890abcdefdeadbeef', 2, 8)

Padding Hex

Hex values can be padded with zeroes using Hex.padLeft or Hex.padRight:

import { Hex } from 'ox'
const value = Hex.padLeft('0x1234567890abcdef', 16)

Trimming Hex

Hex values can be trimmed of zeroes using Hex.trimLeft or Hex.trimRight:

import { Hex } from 'ox'
const value = Hex.trimLeft('0x00000000000000001234567890abcdef')


Hex.assertAsserts if the given value is Hex.Hex.
Hex.concatConcatenates two or more Hex.Hex.
Hex.fromInstantiates a Hex.Hex value from a hex string or Bytes.Bytes value.
Hex.fromBooleanEncodes a boolean into a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.fromBytesEncodes a Bytes.Bytes value into a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.fromNumberEncodes a number or bigint into a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.fromStringEncodes a string into a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.isEqualChecks if two Hex.Hex values are equal.
Hex.padLeftPads a Hex.Hex value to the left with zero bytes until it reaches the given size (default: 32 bytes).
Hex.padRightPads a Hex.Hex value to the right with zero bytes until it reaches the given size (default: 32 bytes).
Hex.randomGenerates a random Hex.Hex value of the specified length.
Hex.sizeRetrieves the size of a Hex.Hex value (in bytes).
Hex.sliceReturns a section of a Bytes.Bytes value given a start/end bytes offset.
Hex.toBigIntDecodes a Hex.Hex value into a BigInt.
Hex.toBooleanDecodes a Hex.Hex value into a boolean.
Hex.toBytesDecodes a Hex.Hex value into a Bytes.Bytes.
Hex.toNumberDecodes a Hex.Hex value into a number.
Hex.toStringDecodes a Hex.Hex value into a string.
Hex.trimLeftTrims leading zeros from a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.trimRightTrims trailing zeros from a Hex.Hex value.
Hex.validateChecks if the given value is Hex.Hex.


Hex.IntegerOutOfRangeErrorThrown when the provided integer is out of range, and cannot be represented as a hex value.
Hex.InvalidHexBooleanErrorThrown when the provided hex value cannot be represented as a boolean.
Hex.InvalidHexTypeErrorThrown when the provided value is not a valid hex type.
Hex.InvalidHexValueErrorThrown when the provided hex value is invalid.
Hex.InvalidLengthErrorThrown when the provided hex value is an odd length.
Hex.SizeExceedsPaddingSizeErrorThrown when the size of the value exceeds the pad size.
Hex.SizeOverflowErrorThrown when the size of the value exceeds the expected max size.
Hex.SliceOffsetOutOfBoundsErrorThrown when the slice offset exceeds the bounds of the value.


Hex.HexRoot type for a Hex string.