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AbiItem Errors


Throws when ambiguous types are found on overloaded ABI items.


import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from(['function foo(address)', 'function foo(bytes20)'])
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, 'foo', {
  args: ['0xA0Cf798816D4b9b9866b5330EEa46a18382f251e'],
AbiItem.AmbiguityError: Found ambiguous types in overloaded ABI Items.
`bytes20` in `foo(bytes20)`, and
`address` in `foo(address)`
These types encode differently and cannot be distinguished at runtime.
Remove one of the ambiguous items in the ABI.


Remove one of the ambiguous types from the ABI.

import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from([
  'function foo(address)',
  'function foo(bytes20)'
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, 'foo', {
  args: ['0xA0Cf798816D4b9b9866b5330EEa46a18382f251e'],
AbiItem.AmbiguityError: Found ambiguous types in overloaded ABI Items.
`bytes20` in `foo(bytes20)`, and
`address` in `foo(address)`
These types encode differently and cannot be distinguished at runtime.
Remove one of the ambiguous items in the ABI.

Source: src/core/AbiItem.ts


Throws when the selector size is invalid.


import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from([
  'function foo(address)',
  'function bar(uint)'
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, '0xaaa')
AbiItem.InvalidSelectorSizeError: Selector size is invalid. Expected 4 bytes. Received 2 bytes ("0xaaa").


Ensure the selector size is 4 bytes.

import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from([
  'function foo(address)',
  'function bar(uint)'
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, '0x7af82b1a')

Source: src/core/AbiItem.ts


Throws when an ABI item is not found in the ABI.


import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from([
  'function foo(address)',
  'function bar(uint)'
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, 'baz')
AbiItem.NotFoundError: ABI function with name "baz" not found.


Ensure the ABI item exists on the ABI.

import { Abi, AbiFunction } from 'ox'
const foo = Abi.from([
  'function foo(address)',
  'function bar(uint)',
  'function baz(bool)'
AbiFunction.fromAbi(foo, 'baz')

Source: src/core/AbiItem.ts